Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Coincidental Connections

Two years and a month before Julia's ordeal started and two days before she turned four, I wrote about being touched by a person's battle with cancer. At the time, I hadn't ever dealt directly with any friend or family member who had cancer. Reading back over it again brings back some of the things I felt over those couple of weeks and, in light of my family's current situation, gives new meaning and just a sliver of understanding of what she went through:
A Friend I Never Knew Died Today

1 comment:

Liz R. said...


Thanks for posting about your family's journey through cancer. It is bringing up many memories of when I went through a similar battle (I say similar since no cancer battle is the same). It is bringing the good and not so good memories up. You will look back at this and treasure that you blogged about it. I wish I would have kept a better journal. Next thin you know, you will be throwing the 10 year remission party for Julia that I had just this year.

Liz Rust