Julia's Cancer-Free Jubilee
Thank you for supporting and cheering for Julia - now help us celebrate the great news!
When: Saturday, July 23, 2011; 10 a.m. - 4 p.m
Where: Glen Park – enclosed shelter Glen Park map
We're doing our best to get this information out to different groups of people. Besides the blog, we're using Facebook, email, word of mouth, and a little snail mail. We're keeping the definitive info here on the blog, so please point people here if they are interested and need more details.
We knew we would miss too many people if we tried to send invites, so we decided that anyone who wants to stop by and give a hello or a hug is welcome. We'll have some food and drinks and smiles. Glen park offers some of it's own amenities that are open to the public: three playgrounds, soccer fields, hiking trails, and the pool.
Glen Park Pool info: open swim 12:30-4:45 p.m; $2.50 Daily Pass per person.
Ms. Jennifer from Let's Dance will be at the jubilee from 1:00-2:00 doing activities like face painting and dancing. Ms. Jennifer has been Julia and Finn's dance teacher for several years.
At the celebration, there will be scrapbook pages for guests to write messages to Julia. The theme is "How Julia inspires me." We’re letting you know in advance, in case you want to start thinking about what you would like to include in the book for Julia. This keepsake will be something she will be able to look at as she gets older, to remember how all of her hard work this past year has made a difference in the lives of others. Julia truly has been an inspiration to many.
Please, no gifts! If you wish to make a donation in honor of Julia, or another loved one, please consider supporting one of the organizations that has been helpful to our family:
Minnesota Children’s Hospitals & Clinics
Make-A-Wish Foundation
We hope to see you on July 23rd!