Finn had two costumes for Halloween this year. When he was indoors, he wore his pirate costume, like for their costume day at preschool.
Julia had just one costume, but that was enough for her. She was a Pop Star! and would announce it just like that at random times. People frequently asked Julia which pop star she was and she soon got sick of the question, because she wasn't any particular one.
Finn's second costume was Julia's old homemade Care Bear costume from several years ago. It was the warmer of the two, so he wore it for trick-or-treating and for handing out the treats.
The kids got to wear their costumes at the River Falls Business Expo. We talked to this woman about possibilities for Julia's hair and it turns out she is also a Wilms tumor survivor from when she was three! It was awesome on so many levels!
The kids had fun carving pumpkins and afterward they helped to make roasted pumpkin seeds.
A trip to the Walker Sculpture Garden in Minneapolis was well received by the kids (and the dog).
A large cardboard box was transformed into a TV and has provided lots of entertainment for all four of us.
We took a Fall hike along the Kinni below Glen Park.
And I'll leave you with some funny faces and a moment of the kids getting along.