JanFeb would be the celebrity couple name if the months of January and February were celebrities and they dated. It could happen.
Finn and Skippy have always had a good relationship. She frequently gives him "lick attacks," which consist of Finn sitting on the floor, the dog jumping on his chest to knock him down, and then furiously licking his face while Finn giggles. They're buds.
And as buddies, Finn will sometimes build Skippy a fancy bed or a fort. If she finds them cozy and comfortable enough, she'll give her stamp of approval by sleeping in it.
Skippy didn't get to have anything out of this giant box of snacks, but I was excited to open this gift from my family for my birthday.
We had to improvise on the candles. One of the complications of getting older!
At the Westside Elementary musical production of Mary Poppins, Julia played in the xylophone ensemble and sang in the 5th grade choir.
Finn also participated in his first musical. He was a chimney sweep for the song Step in Time.
In the below video, I zoomed in on Finn after about 30 seconds. With all the kids dressed the same, it was hard to spot him.
After the last performance of Mary Poppins, we hung out with my parents at the after party, complete with cookies and punch.
Julia's bed seems to be 75% stuffed animals. She (after much prompting) set many of them up in her closet instead.
After what likely turned out to be the last snow of the season that was playable, the kids took to making a snowman in the backyard. I helped them a bit with lifting the big snowballs to put the guy together. The snow was perfect for packing too so we had a parent vs children snowball fight.
I can clean up nicely when I put my mind to it!
It was our last year attending the Daddy Daughter Dance as Julia will be too old to go next year. We made sure to get some posing in before we left.