Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sleep Over!

Last weekend Julia had her good friend Sophie spend the night. During the day Julia and I (along with Sophie and her family) went to an open house at Circus Juventas, a performing arts youth circus school. There was a number of different activities for the kids and there were some performances for everyone to watch too. Julia got a pretty fancy paint job done on her face, which may be able to be seen below. Here's Julia getting to practice a little trapezing.

Sophie and Julia had a lot of fun. They did a lot of dressing up and dancing. The evidence is found in the below videos.

Direct links for the videos:

The girls sharing a chair.

And now slathering paint on paper.

And finally having a snack and watching a movie before bedtime.


Anonymous said...

It sure looks like Julia gets a lot of exercise with all that dancing. I like the make up!!! Love to all. Love Mom (Grammy Colleen)

Anonymous said...

AWESOME can't wait to show Sophie! But you know if you show a kid videos of the good time she had she is just going to want another sleepover ; )