Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Missing Month

I had been doing pretty well getting a blog post made each month. Well November slipped by as time is wont to do, but here I am, a blog-less month behind me, but with pictures to share.

While the warm weather stuck around, Julia and I went hiking a few different places along the St. Croix River.

The lengthening shadows provided an opportunity for a fun pose.

More cousin time is always nice!

And when there's cousin time, aunt/niece time is sure to follow.

Julia finds any nook or cranny to read in. Skippy finds any warm blanket or warm body to snuggle up with.

Finn built a boat and raced it for Cub Scouts. It was powered by his own hot air!

The heavy snow that dumped on us provided hours of shoveling for me and numerous winter-time activities for the kids. They took turns pulling each other in the sled. Finn got the better ride; it was a bit tough for him to pull Julia, though he certainly tried.

Julia was quite pleased with her snowman she built. His name was Blizzard, or Blizzy for short. He lasted until it warmed up and rained on him.

Pre-recital, Julia first showed off her new dress...

...before showing off her picking skills. She played "Candle on the Water," accompanied by her guitar instructor.

Finn said he enjoyed washing dishes. I didn't argue with him.

Shirt-less five-year-old under the tree!

A winter morning among siblings: comics and breakfast sandwiches.