Sunday, August 2, 2009

Plants Eat Pizza!

My dream is partially realized! Next step: lawn mowing!

All that hard work can tucker a kid out. I'm not sure what Finn's excuse is though.

I was home alone with four kids ages two, three, four, and four (for about twenty minutes...). I told them all to stare at the dot on the wall and to not move. It worked SO good!

Julia attended a three-day dance camp called "Faeries and Dragons". On the last day they put on a little show. Julia was decked out with a fairy wreath, wings, and face paint and sparkles.

Since she's starting kindergarten in the fall, Julia really wanted to get a desk for her bedroom (she thinks she's going to have homework). We got one for her this weekend at a local thrift store. She's really excited about it and has already filled up most of the drawers with art supplies.

Here is Finn feigning shock that he somehow got a barrette in his hair.

I couldn't think of a title for the blog post, so I asked Julia what to call it.


Anonymous said...

I'm sooo pleased to see an August update so quickly. Thanks! Tell Julia I love her costume from her camp and that she picked a good title for this posting. Love to all, Grandma Colleen

Anonymous said...

I'm still enjoying your family blog. It never fails to amaze me (and give me a chuckle or two). The kids are really growing up and doing beautifully. Keep up the good work! Aunt Jayne.